Shree Wanza Community of Leicester first came into being in 1968 and presently cherishes a fine community centre, formally opened in August 1995, on Pasture Lane. Reflected within its constitution are the core values of Truth through personal accountability, Attainment through effort and self-sacrifice, Purity of mind and body, and Benevolence towards all living beings, inherent within Sanantan Dharma. Therefore, its natural aim is to propagate these values, maintain its cultural identity, and develop positive leadership within its future generations, whilst fostering amiable relations with all diverse communities in British society.

As well as India, Wanza families reside in the U.S.A, Canada, Australia and some European Countries, together with established communities in East Africa. All maintaining a peaceful, happy and prosperous existence, whilst still practising the way of life and values passed down by their forefathers, with fond affiliations to their respective wider communities.

Our History

Descending from the ancient Hindu Kshatriya Varana and obligatory believers in the grace and benevolence of Mata Hingraj, following her maternal protection of their honour from the vengeance of sage Parshuram, the ancient Wanzas found a peaceful existence in the Vindhiya mountains under the spiritual guidance of their elective guru, Guru Gopal Lal, after moving to Wanjot in Ujjain, India, and acquiring a collective occupation in the craft of tailoring under the auspices of sage Tantupal, ‘Protector of Threads’. Incidentally, to vindh means to stitch. Hence, ‘Vindhiyas’ became ‘Wanzas’.

Pioneering Wanzas began to seek a brighter future for subsequent generations in other provinces in India and further abroad, with settlements beginning to sprout along the East African coast and further inland around the turn of the 19th century.

Prosperity brought confidence and the altruistic desire to establish communities to further their interests and safeguard the inherent Hindu values practised within their way of life i.e. Sanatan Dharma. Vibrant Wanza communities soon blossomed.

Peaceable craftsmen and traders by nature, subsequent political uncertainties and turmoil in the late 1960s and early 1970s, especially in Uganda, compelled responsible Wanza householders to seek a more stable and progressive future for their families in Great Britain and Canada. Settlements soon began to occur in London, Leicester, Wellingborough, Coventry and Manchester in the United Kingdom, and Toronto and Montreal in Canada. Subsequent generations were encouraged to attain a better future for themselves through education and many second and third generation Wanzas are already making a valuable contribution to the economy and welfare of the country of their domicile through their chosen professions and in the field of Business.

Shree Wanza Community Management Committee

Executive Committee:

Vice President:
Assistant Secretary:
Assistant Treasurer:

Subhash Z Bhundia
Dillan V Shikotra
Milan H Sonigra
Mayur G Shikotra
Narendra K Shikotra
Pankaj P Mandaliya


Navin R Gohil
Harish D Nandha
Govind J Shikotra
Sunil D Sonigra
Jayendra J Parmar

Commitee Members:

Rakesh B Gohil
Vimi B Gohil
Beena D Paramr
Jatin J Parmar
Meeta N Parmar
Krunal B Makwana

Raju D Mandalia
Beena N Shikotra
Mukesh M Shikotra
Ashwin S Solanki
Sunita M Sonigra
Dinta S Visavadia

Executive Committee:

President: Subhash Z Bhundia
Vice President: Dillan V Shikotra
Secretary: Milan H Sonigra
Assistant Secretary: Mayur G Shikotra
Treasurer: Narendra K Shikotra
Assistant Treasurer: Pankaj P Mandaliya


Navin R Gohil
Harish D Nandha
Govind J Shikotra
Sunil D Sonigra
Jayendra J Parmar

Commitee Members:

Rakesh B Gohil
Vimi B Gohil
Beena D Paramr
Jatin J Parmar
Meeta N Parmar
Krunal B Makwana
Raju D Mandalia
Beena N Shikotra
Mukesh M Shikotra
Ashwin S Solanki
Sunita M Sonigra
Dinta S Visavadia